In neighboring small towns in Genoa, Italy, lived two strangers. In the 1900s, they both immigrated to New York City through Ellis Island. As fate would have it, they ended up living only minutes apart in Greenwich Village where they met and fell in love. In 1912, they got married at Our Lady of Pompeii Church. Exactly 110 years later, their great-granddaughter returned to NYC and, entirely by happenstance, moved into an apartment just blocks from where their paths first crossed.
Our name pays homage to the fig trees that grew outside their homes in Italy with a nod to the sacred place where they began a new life and our lineage here. Commonly used in art history, Figs are a symbol of wisdom, abundance, and sensuality. They are associated with the fall harvest and hard-working Italian immigrants who cultivate the land.
To us, "Saint Fig" is also a reminder to honor the earth and everything she gives - it is our beginning, middle, and end.